• Mon - Sun 7am - 7pm
  • Unit 6A Moat Farm Business Centre Turkey Cock Lane Colchester Co3 8nd
  • 07479 468 391

Dash Camera

Dash Camera Installation

Capture every mile of your drive with a professionally installed dash cam from our team! Finally get peace of mind knowing you have video evidence if an accident or crime occurs. Our expert technicians will neatly mount discreet dash cams to provide you with continuous recording as you drive. Have an irrefutable eyewitness account if any collisions, hit-and-runs or theft happen. Get the license plate, vehicle details, and crystal clear video you need to protect yourself from insurance fraud. Dash cams also act as driving aids to make you an even safer driver. Feel confident handling any road incidents knowing your cam has your back. Forget unreliable DIY installations – get it done right the first time by our experienced pros. Call today to schedule affordable dash cam setup and hit the road protected on every trip. With a perfectly positioned dashboard camera, you’ll have proof and security that money can’t buy.

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